Mid-way Evaluation

Tutor feedback: In summary Heather this is a bit of a mixed bag, there is some excellent work here (specifically your actual portfolio website) but quite a few big gaps. Going forward you need to pay much as much attention to the research parts as you have done on the final product (your website) here is a summary of what you need to do to fix this:
1) Complete the missing two job role elements
2) Create a section on colour theory/graphic design/interactive media (Sam's work)
3) Include a proper evaluation and a walk-through video of your website I am giving you until 7/3/2022 get these parts added, please can you email when this work has been added so that I can re-mark it. 

My response: I do agree with what Paul said with what I need to improve on, in progression of my original work I have:
1) Filled in the missing two job role elements
2)Created a section for Sams work
3)Included a evaluation with a edited voice-over walk-through video of my portfolio

Overall I am very happy with my work, I feel like what I could've improved on was doing the theory before the practical work but I feel like on the next project I can reflect from that and do it that way instead of doing all the fun practical work first.

Final evaluation

Overall I am very happy with my work, I feel like what I could've improved on was doing the theory before the practical work but I feel like on the next project I can reflect from that and do it that way instead of doing all the fun practical work first. 

In my portfolio I included different sections on editing, college work, social media, photography and Youtube. On my editing page I included the work and reasoning behind my logo and also work I used to create when I was a little bit younger. The college work page has my first project on and the how to video I created, there is also a few photos of what college looks like from my perspective. The social media section has my Tiktok account on and I uploaded a few Tiktoks to Youtube that you can also play on the portfolio site. On the photography page there is a little description about why I like photography and then different selections of photos I have taken from places I have visited. Finally, on the Youtube page I linked a few videos I have created myself and what got me into video editing.

To record my walkthrough I used Quicktime Player and then edited it on Premier Pro, I added the voice over using a H4n Recorder and just added the file onto the video on Premier Pro.

I really like how my portfolio turned out, I like the colour elements I used and the layout of where my photos and videos were on the pages. I think I included the right information and whoever may be looking at it can have a proper insight to my work and what I'd like to do in the future. 

I think I could've improved on the descriptions under a lot of the pages, I had to think deep into why I wanted to include the work onto the page. 

Bracknell & Wokingham
Creative Media L3Y1
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